Choosing The Right Ladies Harness for You
If you’re a female kitesurfer then it’s really critical that you purchase a ladies harness, as opposed to a generic harness that frankly has been designed for the typical male v-shape chest and torso.
What is a kitesurfing ladies harness?
This is the piece of essential kit that ultimately connects you to your kite. The lines of the kite are connected to and controlled by a bar, which the kitesurfer holds. This bar, however, is in turn connected to the kitesurf harness for added security and stability. Just think how easy it is to let go of the control bars - if they’re not connected to the harness then that is a lot of kit that has probably just washed out to sea without you!
Why should you buy specifically a ladies harness?
The answer lies in the unavoidable fact that men and women are anatomically different. Purchasing a harness that is not customised for the female form will lead to discomfort at best; injury at worst.
What is the main benefit of a ladies harness?
A ladies harness features a mouldable shape designed to compliment the form of a woman; who typically has a narrower waist, shorter torso and wider hips than her male kiting counterpart.
Shop ladies harnesses below, and read on
What are the features of a ladies harness?
There are so many that make this a non-negotiable buy for women.
- The mouldable design reduces impact on the back and helps minimise any pain or aches felt in the lower back region
- There is less rubbing against the hips
- Specific effort to minimise any riding up so as to keep chest area as comfortable as possible
- Great range of colours that is often not the case for men’s ranges
Mystic ladies harnesses for sale at Kitesurf Warehouse
Here at Kitesurf Warehouse we stock ladies harnesses, in seat or waist options and in a fantastic number of sizes, colours and models. Jump into the images above to shop, or contact us with any questions at all!