Best Kite To Learn Kitesurfing
If you want to know what is the best kite to learn kitesurfing, this article is designed to give you a really good idea.
Remember, we are always available to talk and get a really good sense for your kiting needs so we can in turn give you quality advice - contact us any time!
Large kites versus small kites
Larger models deliver more power and smaller models deliver greater safety when the wind really lifts. With that general rule of thumb in mind, finding the right sized for you comes down to a few factors.
The size of your kitesurfing kite can be impacted by variables that include:
The wind
The stronger the wind, the smaller your kite should be. As a general rule you can work on light winds (8-15mph) needing a large model, medium winds (15-20mph) needing a medium, and high winds (20-25mph) needing a small option.
Your weight
As a guide only, here is a suggestion of the right model size for various body weights. Here we are assuming that this will be used in ideal winds of about 16 to 25 knots.
Body weight / Size of kite
59kg/ 8m2
66kg/ 9m2
74kg/ 10m2
81kg/ 11m2
88kg/ 12m2
96kg/ 13m2
103kg/ 14m2
110kg/ 15m2
We hope this helps to figure out the best kite to learn kitesurfing. Now all you need to do is reach out to us to find the best and cheapest kite deals available!
Beginner kites for sale
If you're looking for a great deal to get you started, check out our beginner kites below: